Step by Step 3D Demonstration of Yang Style Tai Chi (24 Forms)- Part 3

Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese martial art. It’s very popular in China because it has a lot of health benefits both on your body and your mind. The simplest Tai Chi has 24 forms. Each of them has a unique name. This post shows a step by step 3D demonstrations from Form 17 to Form 24. The completed video is shown below. Remember: when you practice, focus your eyes on the hand which moves in front of your eyes. You always squat down a little bit when you practice. Try to move your body and your arms as smoothly as passible. So, the whole movements look very graceful and classy.


17) Form 17: Squat Down and Golden Rooster Stands Up (Right)

Turn left first and turn back.

Right leg steps forward. Squat down.

Golden rooster stands up on your right leg.


18). Form 18: Fair Lady Shuttle on Both Sides

From Form 17,  first, your arms shuttle from left to right.

Your right leg steps forward at the same time.

Second, your arms shuttle from right to left.

Your left leg steps forward at the same time.


19). Form 19: Scoop Up Needle from the Bottom of the Sea

Right leg steps forward when right hand is trying to “scoop up needles from the sea”.


20). Form 20: Fan the Back

This is a transition form between Form 19 and Form 21.

First, lift up your two arms.

Second,  fan the other people’s back with your hands.


21).  Form 21: Deflect, Parry and Punch

Turn right 180 degree.

Your two hands try to avoid “attack”.

Left leg steps forward while your right fist gives a punch.


22). Form 22: Apparent Closing

This form is apparently a closing form.

Sit back and push.


23).  From 23. Cross hands

Turn right 90 degree.

Stand up straight and cross your hands.


24). Form 24: Closing Form

Put your hands down and your feet stay together.


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